
Friday, July 8, 2016

Prepare but don't stress!!

Hello All,

This post is for NET aspirants who are appearing in exam on July 10, 2016. Here I am giving some tips to those candidates who are running against time to prepare their best for this Sunday exam.

Tip #1.
Now you have less than 2 days to prepare, focus on only revision of already prepared topics. For this, solve only MCQs from various resources. Don't start reading any new topic. It is better to revise to the heart the concepts you can understand and can devote some more minutes to feel confident. Staring anything new will not help and on the contrary, will make you nervous if you find the topic difficult to understand. What will be the result? You will feel less confident. Staying confident plays a vital role in your final day performance. If you are confident you may even make a good guess for a question you didn't understand well. However, if you are nervous, you are bound to make silly mistakes like shading the wrong oval of the question you knew the answer (this is my personal experience :-)) or thinking too hard on a simple question.

Tip #2.
If you feel you are not well prepared, don't get any stress. Just do as told in first tip, revise only. Getting stress never helps. It drains your energy and affects your concentration levels. Stay relaxed. If you are lucky, you may get most of the questions from your prepared topics. If not, then give yourself 6 more months to prepare and prepare better. There is no limit on no. of attempts.

Tip #3.
Don't lose your sleep because you could not study well in last few days or weeks due to some personal or family problems (or due to any other reason). If you think you can cover up for the lost time by sleeping less or by studying more than your body allows you then sorry. Studying more than you can will actually exhaust you. NET preparation is not a one-day wonder. It takes planning and patience (I have talked a lot about it my previous posts). Give yourself another shot (Come next exam!)

In this post, I do not mean to underestimate the value of hard work and never want you to postpone your success. I simply want to stress on the fact that getting stressed will not help. It is human tendency to go slow in the beginning and going haste in the last hours. Get out of this habit and make a schedule and plan for clearing the NET exam and devote good time daily for 5-6 months to study.
Daily watering of plants in moderate amount is better than throwing bucketful water once a week. Similarly, relaxed daily study is better than overly stretched study for a few days only.

Best of luck!!

Monday, July 4, 2016

DBMS Notes Series-1: Tricky Questions from Previous Papers

Hello Friends!

Let's discuss questions on DBMS from previous year papers. To begin with, some of the multiple choice type questions are listed below:

Q. Location transparency allows :

 I. Users to treat the data as if it is done at one location.
 II. Programmers to treat the data as if it is at one location.
 III. Managers to treat the data as if it is at one location.
 Which one of the following is correct ?
 (A) I, II and III (B) I and II only (C) II and III only (D) II only

The right answer is (A). 

Reason: Location transparency means the location of data must not matter to the person who accesses/manipulates the data. This is a feature of distributed databases, which applies to every kind of database user. According to a definition on Wikipedia, "The location of a resource doesn't matter to either the software developers or the end-users. This creates the illusion that the entire system is located in a single computer, which greatly simplifies software development."

The I and II are database users. The III is a component of distributed databases. Database Manager components are responsible for providing seamless data access to users without regards to its location. Hence, this covers all 3 choices.

Q. Which of the following is correct?

I. Two phase locking is an optimistic protocol.
II. Two phase locking is pessimistic protocol
III. Time stamping is an optimistic protocol.
IV. Time stamping is pessimistic protocol.

(A) I and III (B) II and IV (C) I and IV (D) II and III

The right answer is (D).

Reason: Optimistic Vs. Pessimistic approach: The optimistic concurrency control approach doesn't actually lock anything. It is based on the assumption that conflicts of database operations are very less. Means, when when oner transaction is executing, other transactions will not access the same data item being accessed by the executing one. It lets transactions run to completion and only checks for conflicts when they are about to commit. Thus, a transaction is executed without any restrictions until it is committed.

The pessimistic approach believes that some other transaction might try to access the same piece of data. So, in order to prevent any conflict, a transaction will first acquire all the required locks, then perform all the operations. It has two phases:

1. Growing Phase, where a transaction must first acquire all the locks.
2. Shrinking Phase, where a transaction releases all the locks one-by-one.(It cannot issue lock requests here.)

Q. Data warehousing refers to
(A) storing data offline at a separate site (B) backing up data regularly
(C) is related to data mining (D) uses tape as opposed to disk

The right answer is (C)
Reason: NOT A because: Not all data of Data warehouse stored offline as it depends on nature and usage of data.
NOT B because: A data warehouse typically stores a lot of historical data, that is often not subject to change. Data that does not change only needs to be backed up once.
NOT D because: Data may be stored using a proper mix of disks, tapes, or near-line storage.

Common data warehouse models include a data warehouse that is subject oriented, time variant, non-volatile, and integrated.

Q. The "PROJECT' operator of a relational algebra creates a new table that has always
(A) More columns than columns in original table
(B) More rows than original table
(C) Same number of rows as the original table
(D) Same number of columns as the original table

The right answer is (A) 
Reason: The number of tuples in the result of PROJECT  <list> (R) is always less or equal to the number of tuples in R.

Now, a few questions with descriptive answers:

Q. Show that 2-phase locking ensures serializability?

A. In databases and transaction processing two-phase locking, (2PL) is a concurrency control method that guarantees serializability. A transaction is said to follow the two-phase locking protocol if all locking operations (read_lock, write_lock) precede the first unlock operation in the transaction. Such a transaction can be divided into two phases:

Phase 1: Growing Phase

i)  transaction may obtain locks
ii)  transaction may not release locks

Phase 2: Shrinking Phase

i)  transaction may release locks
ii)  transaction may not obtain locks

If lock conversion is allowed, then upgrading of locks (from read-locked to write-locked) must be done during the expanding phase, and downgrading of locks (from write-locked to read-locked) must be done in the shrinking phase. Hence, a read_lock(X) operation that downgrades an already held write lock on X can appear only in the shrinking phase.

The protocol assures serializability. It can be proved that the transactions can be serialized in the order of their lock points  (i.e. the point where a transaction acquired its final lock). Two-phase locking does not ensure freedom from deadlocks.

Q. How to determine candidate key(s) for a relation?

A. Finding candidate keys is just as simple as applying some algorithm here and there.

In the first example, there are five attributes:
WH -> S
HOS -> E
1. Find the attributes that are neither on the left and right side
> (none)
2. Find attributes that are only on the right side
> E
3. Find attributes that are only on the left side
4. Combine the attributes on step 1 and 3
> since step 1 has no attributes, it’s just WHO
5. Test if the closures of attributes on step 4 are all the attributes
> in this case, it is true. Because with WH we can get S, and by HOS, we can get E.
So we have only one candidate key that is WHO.

Q. What are steps of a Database design?

A. Major Steps in Database Design are:
  1. Requirements Analysis: Talk to the potential users! Understand what data is to be stored, and what operations and requirements are desired.
  2. Conceptual Database Design: Develop a high-level description of the data and constraints (we will use the ER data model)
  3. Logical Database Design: Convert the conceptual model to a schema in the chosen data model of the DBMS. For a relational database, this means converting the conceptual to a relational schema (logical schema).
  4. Schema Refinement: Look for potential problems in the original choice of schema and try to redesign.
  5. Physical Database Design: Direct the DBMS into choice of underlying data layout (e.g., indexes and clustering) in hopes of optimizing the performance.
  6. Applications and Security Design: It defines how the underlying database will interact with surrounding applications.
Q. Differentiate b/w Specialisation and Generalisation in ER Model?

A. Specialisation:

Top-down design process; we designate subgroupings within an entity set that are distinctive from other entities in the set.
These subgroupings become lower-level entity sets that have attributes or participate in relationships that do not apply to the higher-level entity set.
Depicted by a triangle component labeled ISA (E.g. customer “is a” person).
Attribute inheritance – a lower-level entity set inherits all the attributes and relationship participation of the higher-level entity set to which it is linked.


A bottom-up design process – combine a number of entity sets that share the same features into a higher-level entity set.
Specialization and generalization are simple inversions of each other; they are represented in an E-R diagram in the same way.
The terms specialization and generalization are used interchangeably.